sabato 12 aprile 2008


... to all our friends and friend's friends who picked us up and dropped us off in various airports, shared their knowledge of the country and advice, took us sailing or sightseeing "in their sportscar with the warm wind in our hair", invited the Easter Bunny, organised birthday parties and shared their toys, who offered us a bed, an internet connection, a washing machine, a barbie, brekkie, coffee, Sunday roast, home made bread or pizza and to whom in return we left half empty shampoo bottles, jam, vegemite jars and various cuddly toys, shells and Nintendo bits that slowly but surely made their way back to us via snail-mail across the continent, plus of course the pleasure of our wonderful company :-)

In order, but just chronological: Ludi and Gary, Irene and Alex, Bob and Alice, Duncan, James and Cara with Milly, Emma and Sophie, Jamie and Francesca, Luca, Marco and Carlo, Andy, Carol and Jasmine, Jo and Pauline, Finola and Jason, Breda and Walter, Simon, Leah and Caity Bear. Thank you all guys, you made Australia a very special place for us. We look forward to returning your wonderful hospitality back in Europe!

Next post New Zealand :-)

1 commento:

Mamma ha detto...

E' bello avere tanti amici da ringraziare!Immagino che col vostro carattere ne troverete ancora molti per la strada!